Distinguished Speakers Series

The Distinguished Speakers Series (DSS) are short, deep-dive events that are held in partnership with premier institutions of higher learning and organizations committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.  The DSS brings together our partners’ mutual commitments to promote women’s leadership in a diverse world, research, critical thinking and innovative problem-solving regarding the evolving world of women’s leadership in critical disciplines.  These events gather leaders from the military, veteran, government and civilian communities, who are regarded as problem-solvers and thought leaders, to collectively tackle challenges, spark innovations, and inspire positive change.  Distinguished women leaders, and our supporters, from around the world are expected to attend.

To partner or sponsor a future DSS event, contact the DSS Team for more information.

Past Events Below:

2023: Women as Allies – Nurturing the Tallest Poppies

(held in partnership with the USC Marshall School of Business Master of Business for Veterans (MBV) Program)

2022: Leading Change in a MULTI Pandemic World

(held in partnership with Purpose Linked Consulting and the Howard University Center for Women, Gender & Global Leadership)

  • View the video recording here.
  • View the resources document here.

2020: Women’s Leadership in Policy and Government – Unraveling Unconscious Bias in the Workplace and Public Sphere: Definition, Identification, Implications, and Antidotes

(held in partnership with the Gender and Policy (GAP) Center at the GMU Schar School of Policy & Government)

2016: Women’s Leadership in Women’s Health

(held in partnership with the International Women’s Think Tank and Georgia Tech Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts)


2015: Women’s Leadership in the Cyber World – Emerging Trends and Issues in Cybersecurity 

(held in partnership with the International Women’s Think Tank and Georgia Tech Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts)


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The Distinguished Speakers Series was launched as a collective vision between AcademyWomen, the International Women’s Think Tank and the Georgia Tech Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.  This event series is made possible thanks to our strategic partnerships and sponsors.

Upcoming February 3rd speakers are:

Past event speakers included: